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Ultrasonic testing (UT)is one of the volumetric testing techniques NDT (non-destructive testing), which means that thanks to its application it is possible to detect both surface and subsurface defects in the whole volume of the tested material. It allows to examine objects made of fer-ritic and austenitic steels, aluminium, magnesium, copper, copper alloys, lead, nickel, compo-site materials and even wood and ceramic materials. This method can be used to examine ob-jects subjected to various machining and joining processes by: welding, casting, forging, roll-ing, welding, gluing, soldering.

In case of UT tests, we distinguish echo, shadow and resonance testing methods. Echo method allows to detect abnormalities such as cracks or blisters, through the reflection of the wave from them. In the case of the shadow method, otherwise known as the penetration method, it is necessary to access both sides of the examined object, which allows to see any abnormalities in the form of discontinuity. Resonance method, like the echo method, is based on wave reflection. The difference is, how-ever, that in the resonance method incident and reflected waves overlap.

The advantage of ultrasound examination is the speed of examination and its direct results, the possibility of examining thick and long extensive elements (a big difference compared to RT), precise detection of internal and external defects.

CHEMAR RUROCIĄGI Spółka z o. o. ul. Olszewskiego 6, 25-663 Kielce,
tel. + 48 413 675 800, kom. +48 782 110 108