English version     Polska wersja

Name of the Company: Chemar Rurociągi Sp. z o. o.
Address: ul. Olszewskiego 6, 25-663 Kielce, Polska
Telephone: +48 413 675 800
Telephone: +48 782 110 108
E-mail: sekretariat@chemar-piping.pl
REGON: 292449593
NIP: 9591500229

Bank account
PKO BP SA Oddział I w Kielcach
Account no. [PL]: 35 1020 2629 0000 9802 0150 6997
Account no. [EUR]: PL 86 1020 2629 0000 9302 0150 7003 SWIFT: BPKOPLPW

Bank account
Bank Millennium S.A.
Account no. [PL]: 78 1160 2202 0000 0002 4537 4771
Account no. [EUR]: PL 37 1160 2202 0000 0002 4537 5121 SWIFT: BIGBPLPW

Start of operation: 28.11.2001 r.
National Court Register Number: KRS 0000066707.
The Company was entered into the National Court Register on 28 November 2001 on the basis of the decision of the District Court of Kielce 10th Commercial Division of National Court Register of 28 November 2001, case ref. no. KI. X. Ns Rej. KRS/6991/1/628


CHEMAR RUROCIĄGI Spółka z o. o. ul. Olszewskiego 6, 25-663 Kielce,
tel. + 48 413 675 800, kom. +48 782 110 108